
Colloidal Silica Finishing Aid and Surface Strength Enhancer

NanoFinish RTU is a concrete surface finishing aid utilizing a revolutionary technology that improves cement hydration by optimizing the by-products of the reaction between cement and water. When used while finishing concrete surfaces, NanoFinish RTU generates more Calcium Silicate Hydrate gel creating an easier to finish and more durable concrete surface.


  • Promotes more efficient cement hydration
  • Makes concrete surfaces less permeable by creating more Calcium Silicate Hydrate known as C-S-H
  • Increases surface strength at all concrete ages
  • Helps cure the concrete slab by binding water in the surface for more efficient cement hydration
  • Improves surface workability and finishability
  • Improves surface density, strength, and abrasion resistance
  • Helps reduce plastic shrinkage cracking
  • Reduces efflorescence
  • Aids in finishing of concrete surfaces even in challenging weather conditions
  • 0 g/l, no VOC content